Alkaline Diet Guy Living the Alkaline Life…Mind, Body & Spirit

July 31, 2010

The fatal process of “acidification” using the example of High Blood Pressure


In these modern times, it is an entirely natural process for both our cholesterol level and our blood pressure to rise during the course of our lives due to both our living conditions and our behaviour and eating habits.          

Over the course of decades, gluten from cereal production gums up our blood vessels, and above all the capillaries, the finest veins of all. These are so narrow that precisely one blood cell can pass through them. It has to deform itself to do this, because in its original disc shape it is already too large to pass through. But if the surrounding tissue is acidified and toxified, then even with mild acidification the erythrocyte becomes stiffer and stiffer until with marked acidification it is really rigid.
But our organism wants to live, and all the different areas, organs and functions want the blood to supply them with the oxygen and vital substances that are necessary for life. This task of continuous supply is carried out by the red corpuscles. They are the real transport vessels of our metabolism.

But when your blood is no longer able to supply ever larger areas of your increasingly acidified organism, due to the stiffening or solidification of the erythrocytes, then the organism will increase the blood pressure year on year in order to force the red corpuscles through the capillary vessels of the acidified areas at full force. This is one reason for the rise in blood pressure.  

The second reason is the fact that during the course of our lives, the blood vessels get narrower and narrower. The actual cause of this narrowing is the gluten from excessive consumption of cereals, and secondly the mucus and protein from the consumption of milk and milk products, and meat and meat products.

The third reason is the toxification and acidification we suffer due to all sorts of foods and incorrect behaviour, such as excessive sport, with the lactic acid this generates, or overindulgence in cola drinks, with the phosphoric acid this incurs, etc.

These acidifications, and also the buildup of toxins in pregnant women, or in women whose periods have stopped after the menopause, lead to minerals being consumed from the blood vessels. The body’s response to this is sharply increased production of cholesterol, as happens for instance after chemotherapy. The cholesterol which has been formed to protect the blood vessels is deposited along the walls of the blood vessels together with acids, toxins and waste products.

This process, the accumulation of waste products, is the third reason for the continuing narrowing of our blood vessels. The body responds to all three types of narrowing by increasing the blood pressure. Everyone has their ideal blood pressure. The body does not do anything wrong.

An alkaline diet and lots of alkaline foods will help your body!

<a href=”” title=”alkaline foods”>alkaline foods</a>


What can be done to normalize raised blood pressure?

The body must be cleansed, and we have to give up the things which cause the narrowing of the blood vessels. This needs to be described now. So for six months, just follow the purification treatment developed by Dr. Jentschura, which he calls the “triple jump to purification”. Start by drinking two to three cups of 7×7 KräuterTee (7×7 AlkaHerb) every day for one or two weeks. Increase this quantity to two to three litres over a few weeks, and right from the beginning drink one to one and a half litres of non-carbonated water as well.

Right from the beginning take five to seven tablespoons of WurzelKraft (AlkaLife), so as to strengthen your kidneys in their elimination function. And right from the beginning take alkaline foot baths every day. Go to the steam bath and scrub yourself with the honey and salt paste which Dr. Jentschura invented. And go to bed every evening, or as often as possible, wearing AlkalineStockings.

For six months reduce your consumption of cooking salt and strong spices, coffee and cola drinks, milk and milk products, meat and meat products, and confectionery. Then your body will cleanse itself along with all its structures, tissues and blood vessels, and your blood pressure will go back to normal as if by magic.

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