Alkaline Diet Guy Living the Alkaline Life…Mind, Body & Spirit

March 9, 2010

The “Oil Change” for your body -Alkaline Foods Cleanse your Body

The “Oil Change” for your body

by Dr. h.c. Peter Jentschura


Just as every car needs oil change, our body also requires purification. Especially for high-stamina sportsmen, it is important to get “the sand” out of the system and to refuel after tough conditions. For athletes there is often an over-accumulation of carbonic acids, lactic acids, acetic acids, and uric acids; coupled with an acidic diet consisting of much sugar, sweets, white flour products, soft drinks, coffee, fast foods and animal products. This results in hyperacidity, which decreases overall health and well-being.

Acids slow down our power and our capacity to regenerate, as they consume vital substances like minerals, which are essential in the regeneration process. Our metabolism has to neutralize the excess acids and waste products with our own vital alkaline substances. If these vital alkaline substances are not abundant in our diet, our body’s’ own reserves– such as skin, hair, teeth, bones, joints, and tendons– will be “targeted”. This quickens the wear out process. Additionally formed neutral salts will be deposited as waste products, which create a bottleneck in our excretory organs. Performance declines and increased risks of injuries are inevitable.


Oil Change

The key to maximum regeneration and permanent productivity is through internal cleansing and purification. For the body, detoxification always occurs in 3 steps, which we will refer to as a “triple jump of purification”:

  1. Removing  waste products

Herbal teas, especially those designed specifically for removing waste products, reactivate deposited acids. Start with a small amount of tea in the beginning, and then increase step by step. Everything that is soluble by tea has to be metabolized in the end.

  1. Neutralization and Removal of Acidity

Our body needs the whole spectrum of vital nutrients derived from plant foods like vegetables, salads, sprouts, and seeds in order to remove the freed acids. These plant foods optimize the natural systems and enzymes for de-acidification and are essential for energy production, regeneration, and increased efficiency. They take care of strong muscles, stable tendons and joints as well as strong bones.


  1. Elimination of acidity

Finally the soluble acids have to be eliminated. In this process the skin plays a central role with its countless sweat glands and sebaceous glands. The substances that our kidneys, intestines, and lungs are not able to eliminate can be eliminated through the skin with alkaline body care. Alkaline baths and foot baths, peelings, and massages have all proven to be extremely effective in the purification process. They also have the added benefit of making the skin velvety soft and smooth, and able to eliminate effectively.

The result of the “oil change” is a revitalized, taut and beautiful body—both internally and externally.

<a href=”” title=”alkaline foods”>alkaline foods</a> increase your vitality!




German Dr. h.c. P. Jenschura’s book and complete alkalizing program is a bestseller in Europe.

Book and products are now available in Canada and the USA. Please visit for more info

YouInFocusProducts is a Canadian distribution company based in Edmonton, AB. The company is owned by Stephan Wilmes, the AlkalineDietGuy.  Stephan created the AlkalineLifeStyle and holds his alkaline lectures all over Canada.

Lecture All about the alkaline life style…


Everybody speaks about the miracles that happen when you alkalize your body. What the truth of this? What is the difference between an alkaline or acidic life style and how does it affect our health?

We will speak about the different aspects and consequences of living the alkaline life style and discuss the following topics:

What deteriorates our health and wellbeing?

How to stay healthy, energetic and beautiful?

Organic vs. inorganic dietary supplements

Responsible pregnancy

Toxins and weight loss




This lecture is crucial: People don’t realize what they do to their bodies in eating processed food and spending their lives being continuously stressed. Both create acidity. To deal with the large amounts of acidity we rob our bodies’ mineral deposits. This starts the process of deterioration. 

Instead of dying at the age of 100-120 in a healthy body after a fulfilled life most of us die at 70-80 years old after 10-20 years of suffering from diseases and longing for deep fulfillment.



The lecture will be held by Stephan Wilmes aka AlkalineDietGuy. Stephan is an Ayurvedic therapist.



As a young man I loved sports: in team sports I played soccer and basketball. In martial arts, I became German Heavyweight Boxing Champion and Second World Military Boxing Champion. After my professional sports career I finished my Business Degree at the University in Munich, Germany and received the Wacker Chemistry Price for the Best Diploma Thesis.

I am also a Ayurvedic Therapist and used to own the Ayurveda Wellness Center Munich. Knowing the powerful cleansing and healing effects of Ayurvedic Sciences, I really acknowledge the same beneficial value of applying the Dr. P. Jentschura Cure from Germany. The Dr. Jentschura cure seems to me more appropriate for our western civilization. That’s why we promote the cure in North America.

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