Alkaline Diet Guy Living the Alkaline Life…Mind, Body & Spirit

November 10, 2009

No more (swine) flu/H1N1 for you! Of course using alkaline foods and living the alkaline life style!

First of all don’t panic when you hear about the Swine Flu!


The swine flue is pushed big time by media, politicians and companies earning big dollars.

To put everything into perspective:

Every year ten thousands of people die because of the flue. I am speaking not about the swine flue! Just the normal flue!!

A normal flue takes around a week and is never pleasant: The body hurts and you don’t feel well.

Generally speaking there is always a danger for people with chronic diseases, such as heart problems etc. to die because of the flu. If your body and immune system is weak, it might take just the flu to kill you.

So what can we do to strengthen our body?

1. East the right food! Avoid coffee, black tea, pops, energy drinks, sugar, white flour products and too much meat.

Eat lots of veggies raw and cooked. Enjoy fish and lot of fruits.

Eat lots of Dr. Jentschura WurzelKraft made out of 100 herbs and plants. It floods your body with all vital substances it needs.  In Germany there is a saying: “Against each disease there is a herb”

If you like to start eating raw foods, do that in spring or summer, not now at the beginning of winter.

2. Outdoor activities: Enjoy aerobic exercise without getting stressed!

3. Try to get some sun. Even winter sun helps your body produce Vitamin D which strengthens your immune system.

4. Very important tip: Create enough humidity in your house. Dry air weakens your mucous membrane and only they catch infections.

5. Have long full bath in Dr. Jentschura’s AlkaBath salts: the high alkalinity of the bath salts pulls out toxins and acids via the principle of Osmosis! Great relaxing stuff…

6. Another good thing to help your body detox are enemas. I have a friend: as soon she falls sick she does an enema. She creates the enema solution using Dr. Jentschura’s AlkaBath and Dr. Jentschura AlkaHerb tea. The solution has a high alkalinity that really cleanses the colon. (Take 1 teaspoon of the Salts and 1 teabag for one liter enema solution)

Your Alkaline Diet Guy,

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