Alkaline Diet Guy Living the Alkaline Life…Mind, Body & Spirit

August 24, 2009

Are You Open to Healing Cancer with an Alkaline Foods

I personally meet some people who healed their cancer with the alkaline diet!!

Similar to the Ayurvedic Treatment you have to complete change your life style and eating habbits to cure such life treatening disease!

Green vegetarian alkaline diet, colon cleansing, daily hours of alkaline full bath with Dr. Jentschura AlkaBath, moderate excercise in mother nature, releasing deep emotional pain from the past through a cranio-sacral therapy are some of the pillars for the alternative treatment.

Alkaline Drinks also may help a lot to lift the bloods Ph-level. A Alkaline Drink is a glass of water with about 1 tea spoon of Baking Soda and some maple syrup. As a result to the Alkaline Drink the blood is able to transport oxygen and nutrition much better. The drink should be taken at 10.00 am, at 4.00 pm and at 10.00 pm but you should not eat about 1 hour before and after the drink.

This drink is also very good against any pain and headache.

But also notice that the Alkaline Drink is not forever. Crucial is that you fill up your mineral deposits in your body with all organic minerals generated by plants!!! The abundance of minerals, vitamins and all vital substances to your body is essential. But also a colon cleansing (eg. colon-hydro therapy) is very important!

Please consult your ND or MD.

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