Alkaline Diet Guy Living the Alkaline Life…Mind, Body & Spirit

August 18, 2009

Why Alkaline Foods are great for professional athletes and for you!

so now I adress this topic to you speaking from my experience as a ex pro athlete:
Sports and physical movement are great but should be balanced. A lack of exercise leads to a lack of oxygen and to the build-up of acidity through carbonic acid. Excessive exercise also leads to a lack of oxygen and to acidity in the body; this is the caused by lactic acid. My dad always says: do everything in moderation!
Moderate exercise after work or in your free time removes the built-up carbonic acid and protects the muscles, including the heart.

Aerobic exercise ensures that the body is sufficiently supplied with oxygen, maintains the elasticity of our tendons and joints, and strengthens our muscles.

Nutrition is of particular importance to professional athletes. Unfortunately, today’s nutritional and lifestyle habits are mainly composed of acid-forming foods and activities, with excessive consumption of meat, convenience foods, sugar, soft drinks and cooking salt.

There are also the harmful effects of nicotine, alcohol and environmental pollutants. As a result of these acids and toxins, and the acids created through intensive sport, many athletes reach the state of over-acidity too early and therefore the limit of their performance.

This limit can be successfully exceeded with preventative mineralisation, alkaline purification and continuous regeneration, with regard to both health and an increase in performance.

I highly recommand all Dr. Jentschura alkaline generating products to all professional athletes. And I speak out of my experience.
But also we have lots of top athletes in Europe using Dr. Jentschuras products, eg. the Austrian and Swiss National Ski Teams.

Nutrition should consist of 80 % alkaline-generating food and 20 % acid-forming food. Alkaline-generating foods include vegetables, potatoes, fruit, seeds, shoots, nuts, herbal teas, WurzelKraft (AlkaLife), MorgenStund´, vegetable juices, etc. Acid-forming foods include meat, coffee, alcohol, milk and dairy products, confectionery, products made from wheat flour, etc.

Mineralize your body 2-3 hours before exercising with Wurzelkraft and MorgenStund´ (mixed with fruit) and never get sore muscles again if you have a relaxing 30-60 min bath with AlkaBath or using AlkaStockings.

Also try to rub your body with AlkaBath Salts in the shower, let it pull out acids for 5 min and then shower again. Look forward to the results: better performance, quicker regeneration, greater overall wellbeing. We have excellent proof from professionals all over the world.

Before Training
Breakfast with MorgenStund´ plus WurzelKraft (AlkaLife)
Approx. 2 hours before training: 3-5 tablespoons of WurzelKraft (AlkaLife) and extra Alkaline body treatment with: Alkaline salt shower

During Training
Wear AlkalineCuffs

After Training (as soon as possible)
2 tablespoons of WurzelKraft (AlkaLife)
Extra Alkaline body treatment with:
A long alkaline bath
Alkaline footbath
AlkalineStockings during the night

MorgenStund´ for breakfast, as a desert or snack
4-6 tablespoons of WurzelKraft (AlkaLife)
Alkaline body treatment with:
Alkaline baths
Alkaline footbaths
Alkaline inhalations
Alkaline wraps
Alkaline steam bath

Another tip I like to give you is meditation and mental training.
Deep relaxation during meditation (focussing on your heart and deep breathing) really helps with your regeneration. You only can achieve if your are ready to completly letting go of your goals. That sounds mystical but it isn’t. Everybody knows how tightening it is if you just focus and want and want and focus… Life is no fun. And you need fun to be happy and to be successful with your calling.
As life is all about the right balance for other people learning how to focus is crucial. Only if your will, body, mind and soul is aligned we will be completly happy and successful.

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