Hair loss occurs mainly in older men. This could be due to genetic predisposition, but how can we explain the fact that this problem is happening increasingly frequently to younger men?
The consequences are not only aesthetic in nature but many men also suffer psychologically when they lose their hair, and this can even extend to depression.
The scalp is a mineral store that feeds millions of hairs. The minerals and trace elements which are stored in it are drawn on as a reserve when the body needs to neutralize acids and toxins.
The body is permanently overloaded with acids due to excessively acid food, stress, overexertion in sport and excessive consumption of indulgence foods and unsuitable drinks. The result is that the valuable minerals in the scalp become depleted, and hair loss occurs.
In order to avoid hair loss, our body needs minerals, vitamins and trace elements which come from natural foods and are rich in energy. If the body is not sufficiently supplied with these nutrients, it takes what it needs from its reserves, including the mineral stores in our scalp.
The omni-molecular food WurzelKraft (AlkaLife) contains all these vital substances. It is a natural, purely vegetable food. Take five to seven tablespoons of this granulate every day. You can take it on its own, or mixed with fruit or vegetable juice or soup.
In comparison with men, women are at a certain advantage because once a month they can rid themselves of their “bad juices” through their period. This is the reason why they face the threat of hair loss during the menopause. However if a woman has a generally undisciplined lifestyle or eats badly, then she can suffer from loss of strength in her hair or from hair loss.
The basis for a successful programme for maintaining and regenerating the capillary vessels consists in changing your eating habits and behaviour, so that the acids and harmful substances which damage the body are avoided. So with a sufficient supply of vital substances, not only the metabolism but also the scalp can recover.
In addition, 1.5 to 2 litres of water should be drunk daily. You are recommended to drink non-carbonated water which is low in minerals, our 7×7 KräuterTee (7×7 AlkaHerb) and fruit and vegetable juices.
To support the elimination of acids and toxins, we recommend alkaline full baths or foot baths, AlkalineStockings, alkaline compresses and in particular wearing an alkaline neck wrap overnight. With a pH value of around 8.5, the alkaline applications use the principle of an equalization of concentration to stimulate the elimination of acids and toxins via the skin.
The most important features of the P. Jentschura concept for maintaining and regenerating the capillary vessels are as follows:
Avoidance of acids and toxins from indulgence foods, excessive muscle activity, stress, incorrect nutrition etc.
Changing to a vegetarian diet that is rich in vital substances
Consuming vegetable foods that are rich in energy such as WurzelKraft (AlkaLife)
Daily consumption of 1.5-2 litres of non-carbonated water which is low in minerals, to support the elimination of harmful substances
Elimination of acids and toxins via the skin and mucous membranes with the help of alkaline body care in the affected areas
Improving the supply of oxygen and nutrients by means of head massages
Drinking herbal tea, which has long been known to cleanse the organism
Regular aerobic exercise without overexertion
Morning |
During the Day |
Evening |
Overnight |
Thank you very much for you interesting website and very helpful information. I am wondering if it is possible to treat hair loss due to genetic predisposition at a young age? Your article is about “how to avoid”. What in case of already bolding? Is it possible to make hair grow back with an alkaline lifestyle?
Thank you very much for your reply!
Comment by Tianhua Ye — January 4, 2013 @ 9:00 pm
Yes, Dr. Jentschura shows examples of men regrowing their hair in his books.
Hi Therapy is:
Hair loss – To be done. To abstain from.
1. To be avoided, to be reduced
– Acidic diet
– Milk and dairy products apart from butter and cream
– Meat, meat products
– Confectionery, sweet beverages and cola drinks
– Common salt, curing salt, iodine salt, potato chips, salty biscuits, salted peanuts
– Deodorants and antiperspirants
– Industrially made citric acid, sweeteners, glutamates and caffeine
– Fast food and ready-made meals
– Stress, fear, anger
– Exaggerated anaerobic muscle activities
2. Alkaline body care and cleansing
– AlkalineStockings and – if required – alkaline coat, overnight
– Alkaline foot baths, as often as practicable, 15 to 30 minutes and more
– Alkaline full baths, three times a week, 30 – 90 minutes
– Alkaline complete body exfoliation
– Regular dry and wet brushing in the direction of excretion
– Alkaline ArmpitCushions during the day
– AlkalineCuffs, during the day for the forearms and/or the lower legs
3. Alkaline diet
– Alkaline diet with abundant vegetables, salads, herbs and sprouts
– Whole food vegetarian diet
– Gluten-free plants which are rich in vital elements such as millet, quinoa, amaranth,
– Abundant WurzelKraft, at least six tea spoons a day
– One to three cups of 7×7 AlkaHerb tea per day; increase slowly to 1 litre a day
– 1-2 litres of non-carbonated water a day
– Potatoes in the skin with quark and linseed oil once a week
4. Other measures
– Moderate and aerobic exercise
– Oxygen therapies (e.g. HOT or Ardenne)
– Anal enema with 7×7 AlkaHerb tea every two weeks
– Conflictolysis, if required
– Daily massages and cleaning of the scalp using oxygen-rich hair water
– Daily brushing of the scalp in all directions
– Analysis of hair minerals in order to find possible lacks of mineral substances
– Checking hair care products with respect to tolerance
Kindly, Stephan
Comment by Stephan, The Alkaline Diet Guy — January 14, 2013 @ 10:10 am